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07 april 2020

TIPS | Engaging employees during turbulent times

When working from home what are the challenges and opportunities? Bastiaan Starink, partner PwC, People & Organisation, provides useful advice on how to keep employees engaged. The current crisis forces us to change our daily lives now that the line between work and private life has blurred.

"Working from home makes life challenging for us and for our teams, especially for the ones having children at home." Bastiaan shared some useful tips how to lead a virtual team, helping your team to stay productive and engaged while working from home. 

1. Organize the right communication lines 

"It is important that you start with communication, state clear communication rules and communicate these rules, e.g. stating rules when entering a webinar. "Don't say hello to everyone. That will take too much time from the call. Be on mute when you're not talking." Define how you want to engage with each other, a daily stand-up or weekly check-in for different teams." 

Tips for working from home with children

2. Keep your team productive

After a couple of days "you get to a new normal and you need to keep your team productive. Much can be done from home but there is distraction. You need to help your team stay productive and help them to find a daily rhythm, take breaks and keep their distance, and discuss team challenges." 

3. Give your team trust and freedom

It is key to create a safe culture and encourage team members to tell what's on their mind. "Reach out to them on an individual basis. Ask how they feel, how their family is doing, etc. Showing interest creates trust and show employees that you sometimes feel vulnerable as well."   

4. Be aware of team members feeling isolated

Take care of colleagues who may be in a vulnerable, isolated position, e.g. people who are divorced.  "Call them, show attention, share pictures, and involve them in a virtual Friday afternoon drinks session." 

5. Keep challenging the team and yourself

This is a great time for innovation, work on business development or virtually meet clients or start writing an article. "Inspire your colleagues to work on innovation and business development. Work will give people daily routine so it's good to stay productive." 

More information

This article is part of the report of the webinar on Potential business impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on asset & wealth managers - and how to tackle these.

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