De brochure geeft antwoord op
Bernard Delbecque, Senior Director of Economics and Research bij EFAMA
"Investor education on sustainable investing is crucial given the rise of ESG investing and the low level of sustainability literacy in Europe. Our brochure aims to clarify key concepts of sustainable investing. We hope it will contribute to a better understanding, help bridge the knowledge gap and empower investors to make more informed decisions when considering investing sustainably."
Tanguy van de Werve, EFAMA Director General
"I particularly welcome the emphasis in the brochure on the need to understand the client’s motivation for investing sustainably. This should lead to recommendations that better meet the client’s expectations. The clarification about the different types of impact a sustainable investment can have should also help avoid misunderstandings and expectation gaps."
Anyve Arakelijan, Regulatory Policy Advisor bij EFAMA
"Our goal is to facilitate informed, value-driven investment decisions, incorporating sustainability for those who hold it as a personal value. By facilitating the aligning of investment strategies with individual ethics, we hope that every financial choice not only contributes to personal wealth but also correctly resonates with the investor's own principles."
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